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Support to all EXIF 2.21 standard tags. |
Add or modify GPS information into images. |
Maximum 60,000 characters record, support unicode. |
Support batch modify & remove. |
Powerful import & export function. |
Support JPEG, TIFF and Exif template file. |
Special extension tags for profession photography |
Here are some sample images. You can view & modify the detail of Exif data with PowerExif |
Exif 2.21 info sample |
Image Description = Door to the Soul
Make = Nikon
Model = Nikon F5
Software = Opanda PowerExif
Artist = Kenneth Garrett
Copyright = Kenneth Garrett
Exposure Time = 1/30"
F Number = F8
Exif Version = Version 2.21
Date Time Original = 2005-04-07 11:46:28
Date Time Digitized = 2005-04-07 11:46:28
Metering Mode = Average
Light Source = Daylight
User Comment = To house Egyptian pharaohs, priests, and courtiers after death, tombs were
cut into cliffs east of the city of Amarna. Unlike earlier or later tombs, these had walls etched
with tales that celebrated the royal family and Aten—the pharaoh Akhenaten’s sole god. “This
modest tomb belonged to Parennefer, the royal cupbearer,” says British archaeologist Barry Kemp.
“Presumably he owed his position—as one with enough status to commission a carved rock tomb—to his
personal service to the king.” Many of the Amarna tombs were unfinished and most appear unused.
Bodies from others may have been moved to new locations when Amarna was abandoned.
Focal Length In 35mm Film = 20mm
Expand Lens = Nikkor 20-35mm f/2.8 zoom
Expand Film = Kodak E100SW